Home Debate Ideas 80 Debating Topics on the Environment

80 Debating Topics on the Environment


The environment encompasses all living creatures on this planet. They are all part of the environment whether they reside on land or in water, air, water, sunlight, plants, and animals. Furthermore, the Earth is believed to be the universe’s only planet that supports life. The environment can be thought of as a blanket that protects life on the planet from harm. Environment plays a vital role in our daily lives. It sustains the life and health of living things including humans. Likewise, it also maintains the natural balance that keeps life on Earth in check. It offers food, shelter, and air, as well as meeting all human needs, large and little. Above all, our environment is a source of natural beauty as well as a necessity for preserving physical and mental health. Indeed, the environment is part of our everyday living as a human.

With the issues in the environment we are facing today, it is essential to have eye-opener discussions to spread awareness and address those problems. Environmental debating discussions will help people understand the importance of the environment and how it affects us. Here are some environmental topics that will work towards developing potential solutions to various environmental concerns.

Debating topics on the Environment

  1. Animals, like humans, should have rights.
  2. Everyone should switch to electric cars.
  3. Urban gardening is good for your pocket and environment.
  4. Plastics should be banned worldwide.
  5. Exports of live animals should be prohibited.
  6. Is organic farming the solution for soil pollution?
  7. Should nuclear power be used instead of fossil fuels?
  8. Is nuclear power the solution for sustainable energy production?
  9. Renewable energy sources harm the environment.
  10. Are people to blame for global warming?
  11. Is reforestation efficient in reducing global warming?
  12. Tree planting should be a mandatory activity in schools.
  13. Are Solar Panels effective in energy conservation?
  14. Is ecotourism a sustainable practice?
  15. Sustainable development should be included in the curriculum.
  16. To reduce carbon footprint, a carbon tax should be established.
  17. Is tourism good or bad for the environment?
  18. Rabbit as alternative meat.
  19. Our national parks are essential to the environment.
  20. Is carpooling help in reducing carbon footprint?
  21. We should build more refilling stations to avoid plastic usage.
  22. Are zoos harmful to the animals?
  23. Use of bidet instead of tissue papers.
  24. Is there a risk to the environment from overpopulation?
  25. Being a vegetarian will help to solve global warming.
  26. We can reverse climate change.
  27. The selling of fur products should be banned
  28. Are energy-saving life bulbs helping the environment?
  29. Increase fuel prices to encourage people to switch to more energy-efficient vehicles.
  30. Should mining be prohibited to preserve the environment?
  31. Is global warming a myth or a fact?
  32. Global warming is primarily caused by overpopulation.
  33. Should government impose a law limiting the number of children in each family?
  34. Nuclear power: is it a threat or protection?
  35. Capitalism is the cause of pollution.
  36. Urban farming is the future of agriculture and food production.
  37. Are air conditioners can cause pollution?
  38. Should we ban the use of pesticides?
  39. Are you in favour of a penalty for leftover foods in restaurants?
  40. Firecrackers should be banned.
  41. Should the government invest heavily in renewable energy?
  42. Is vegetarianism beneficial to one’s health?
  43. Animal testing is not necessary for terms of science.
  44. Organic farming is better than traditional farming.
  45. Zoos should be shut down.
  46. Is it possible to live in a zero-waste society?
  47. Are wind farms safe for the environment?
  48. Sustainable fishing is the key to saving marine life.
  49. Are septic tanks beneficial?
  50. Agriculture is the main cause of water pollution.
  51. Are UV LED lamps the solution for Water Disinfection?
  52. Installing an efficient toilet will help you conserve water.
  53.  Changing your lifestyle will not combat global warming.
  54. The world is better without humans.
  55. Nuclear energy to replace fossil fuels.
  56. Climate change is a natural phenomenon not manmade.
  57. Vertical farming is beneficial to the environment.
  58. Solar panels should be required in each household.
  59. Private cars should be banned in large cities.
  60. The wealthy are more accountable for environmental harm than the poor.
  61. Should Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) be part of a sustainable agricultural economy?
  62. Banning the use of single-use plastics will harm the economy.
  63. It is impossible to stop climate change and its impact now.
  64. Edible lawns are good for the environment.
  65. Should the government tax the use of single-use plastic?
  66. Social media influencers are to blame for glorifying fast fashion that is harmful to the environment.
  67. Factory Farming is essential for food security.
  68. Trade bans on animals: Boon or Bane?
  69. Eating meat is wrong.
  70. As a means of reducing environmental impact, solar energy can be used.
  71. Should biodiversity be taught as part of global warming teaching in middle schools?
  72. Land degradation is caused by human-induced activities, not because of extreme weather conditions.
  73. Fossil fuels, natural gas, and nuclear power are destructive to the environment.
  74. Are dams good or bad for the environment?
  75. Noise pollution affects marine life.
  76. Should government spend more money on environmental issues rather than on poverty and the healthcare system?
  77. As a result of urbanization, our environment is deteriorating.
  78. Recycling is causing more trash in the environment.
  79. Human diets pollute the environment and threaten the extinction of animals.
  80. Science and Technology contributed a bad impact on the environment.