Starter Debate Lessons

Household Pets Should Live Indoors

Some individuals and families look at their pets as another member of their household while other individuals look at pets as protection for their...

Net Neutrality – All Internet Traffic Should Be Treated Equally

The internet is a large network of computers working together to bring data to its users. This network functions efficiently because each member –...

North Korea and South Korea: What Are The Developments?

We are entering an important moment in history. The two Koreas, which have been at war since 1945, are experiencing a warming of relations...

Household Pets Should Live Indoors

Some individuals and families look at their pets as another member of their household while other individuals look at pets as protection for their...

Assisted Suicide Should Be Legalised

Assisted suicide is when a medical professional helps another person to end their life. While this sounds harmful, there are many cases in real...

Space Exploration Is a Waste of Money

When we think of space we often think of retro flashbacks of Star Trek and popular sci-fi shows. Sadly, the dream to travel to...

Animals Should Not Be Used for Entertainment

Circuses, zoos, aquariums, dog fighting, hunting, fishing, horse racing, bullfighting… all of these practices keep animals in captivity and use them against their will...

Should The Public Pay For A Royal Wedding?

If you have been following the news, Prince Harry (one of the Princes of the British Crown) and Meghan Markle (an American actor) have...

Countries Should Invest More in Nuclear Power

Nuclear energy is a marvel of the modern age. A single cup full of uranium – the material needed to fuel a nuclear power...

The Government Should Introduce a Sugar Tax

Over the years obesity has taken a foothold in many western societies. The average citizen's weight has almost doubled from around 80 years prior....

North Korea and South Korea: What Are The Developments?

We are entering an important moment in history. The two Koreas, which have been at war since 1945, are experiencing a warming of relations...

Exotic Pet Ownership Should Be Restricted

Exotic pet ownership is on the rise and presents a multitude of problems. Exotic pets should be left to professional handlers and zoo keepers...

Windrush Generation: Who Are They and Why Are They Facing Problems?

If you've been watching the news of late, especially in the UK, then you will have heard news of a group of people who...

Democracy Is the Best Form of Government

Churchill once said “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that been tired from time to time”. Just...

Mothers Should Stay at Home and Look After Children

Women are being bombarded with messages that they can 'have it all', marriage, children and develop a career just so they can be seen...

All Drugs Should Be Decriminalised

The common perception is that such substances should be banned in order to protect society from their harmful effects. But do these issues really...

Teachers should be allowed to teach creationism in schools

In 2012 a US state passed a law which protects teachers who choose to teach creationism. This is a theory that the Earth and...

Advertising Is Harmful

In 2011 Google was reported to say that online advertising alone could be worth more than $24 billion a year. It has grown significantly...

Every Child Should Have a Mobile Phone?

Should children have mobile phones (or cell phones in American English). This doesn't mean they must have one and carry it with them everywhere....

Wildlife Trafficking Should Be Banned

At the core of the illegal wildlife trafficking is a strong and rapidly expanding demand for a variety of products from around the world,...

University Education Should Be Free

Many countries provide free education to children under 16, which is generally accepted. When it comes to university education there is a great variation...

Reality Television Does More Harm Than Good

Reality shows are incredibly popular. With blockbusting shows like Survivor, Big Brother, The Apprentice, and American Idol all attracting massive audiences each week. Documentaries...

Pets Should Be Allowed in Nursing Homes

Many assisted living facilities and nursing homes are allowing residents to bring their pets to live in their housing communities. Nursing homes are starting...


Don't miss

Read and Debate: Addressing Economic Challenges and Inflation

Below is a read and debate lesson outline where...

Overcoming Language Barriers in Debates: Tips for Expressing Ideas Clearly and Confidently

Debating in a second language can be an intimidating...

9 Powerful Words to Help You Win an Argument

Whether you're in a debate club, arguing with your...